Tipical TaylorHad to get up at six this morning. yes In the am. Im super tired right now, and i'm yawning as i'm writing this. Pretty chill day today. Its been really hot theses days. In the 90s! so i've been keeping inside ;)
I went shopping yesterday for a white sweater, because i needed one to go with a bunch or f my outfits. We looked everywhere and finally we found a few at the Good Will. There were 3 to choose from. So, i picked out the one i liked best, andwent to the counter to buy it. Anyways, longstroy short, i bought the wrong one. I though i grabbbed the one that i liked best, but i didnt :( Im still able to work with the one i got, but i'm kicking myself because the other one would have been perfect. Haha, thats how my life goes. Catch later!