Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Hey yall! okay, so basically I've been a reallly bad blogger... sorry bout that. But im really excited because tomorrow i leave for summer camp! Ohh man I cant wait. We go on this big hike.. i'd say its about 16 miles.. anyways its so fun! we hike all day, and then sleep outside at night.. haha not alot of people like to do that kind of thing, but i get a kick out of it. Anyways, I'll be gone for a week, but as soon as i get back I'll post some pics!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010

Starting on monday is VBS at my church, so im getting excited about that :) I'm helping with rec this year, so that should be fun. Anyways keep sending me emails! Tell me what you would like to see on my blog! Love hearing from ya!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Wow..busy/crazy weekend. Went to a grad party on saturday... sunday I went to my friends house, rode out bikes up to Sub Way and had dinner :).... Monday i taught, and Today i went to my friends house for the afternoon. We made pizza :) TWAS GOOD! haha.. ugh still working on getting that video uploaded.. I PROMISE IT WILL HAPPEN!
just finished up a guitar lesson, and my fingers dont hurt anymore! Thank goodness!
Keep sending me emails, i love hearing from ya!
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Saw the Cyt production of "Peter Pan" last night.... AMAZING! they are always amazing haha. Well, my fingers have gotten pretty used to palying the guitar.. i thought it would take weeks for them to! Anyways, its Saturday.. the first day out of school, and I'm sitting at home, bored :/ Oh well, i gotta go try to find something to do thats productive ;)
p.s. I'm still working on getting that video uploaded!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Hey! ughh im sorry the video didnt load! can you say frustrating??? hang in there yall... anyways i better update yall on a couple of things. I bought a guitar and started taking lessons! my fingers hurt soooo bad from playing!
anyways im gonna try uploading the video again soon! keep sending me emails!
anyways im gonna try uploading the video again soon! keep sending me emails!
Monday, June 14, 2010

Ok, so there is this really yummy burger place called In-n-out burger, and I've been wanting a T-shirt for what seems like a million years! My cousin works there so he FINALLY sent the whole family T-shirts... it totally made my day ;) anywayzzz thanks for all your emails! love hearing from ya!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
ITS SO HOT OUTSIDE!!!! this heat is killing me, and summer has barley begun! haha oh well. Going to the the movies later on today with some friends, should be fun :) only one more official week of school and then we are out for the summer!!!! This is going to be the longest week ever! haha. Alrighty, well keep sending me emails! love hearing from ya!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Just finished teaching... my mouth is DRY! haha. Pretty normal school day today. Oh! Thank yall for all the questions for the question and answer video, keep em comin! Sorry i havent had much to say.. like i said. pretty normal days going on in my life. haha, i wont keep you any longer. Thanks for all your support!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Pretty crazy day... went shopping and got some cute shirts from American Eagle... and got this head band with a flower on it.. haha. Then tonight I was at my church making duct tape bracelets for a bunch of kids... very tiring.
Anyways, thanks so much for all of your questions for the question and answer video! keep em coming and I'll post a video as soon as i can!
Anyways, thanks so much for all of your questions for the question and answer video! keep em coming and I'll post a video as soon as i can!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Had to get up at six this morning. yes In the am. Im super tired right now, and i'm yawning as i'm writing this. Pretty chill day today. Its been really hot theses days. In the 90s! so i've been keeping inside ;)
I went shopping yesterday for a white sweater, because i needed one to go with a bunch or f my outfits. We looked everywhere and finally we found a few at the Good Will. There were 3 to choose from. So, i picked out the one i liked best, andwent to the counter to buy it. Anyways, longstroy short, i bought the wrong one. I though i grabbbed the one that i liked best, but i didnt :( Im still able to work with the one i got, but i'm kicking myself because the other one would have been perfect. Haha, thats how my life goes. Catch later!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
my week
Wow. I've been a really bad blogger :(( ok, let me do a recap of my past week...
Sunday night: Went to a baseball game.. i still dont know what the score was haha, then went out for cold stone. (coffee flavored w/ fudge.. yum!)
Monday: Went to the pool and ate lunch there. got a hot dog and gatorade.. i wanted diet coke but they didnt have any!! Then, that night we went to the old theater downtown and saw Alice in Wonderland... AMAZING!
Tuesday: Had to get back to school... went to a piano lesson, and taught a couple of lessons.
Wednesday: well... nothing really happend on wednesday. It was pretty boring.. haha.
Haha, anyways keep emailing me i love hearing from ya
Sunday night: Went to a baseball game.. i still dont know what the score was haha, then went out for cold stone. (coffee flavored w/ fudge.. yum!)
Monday: Went to the pool and ate lunch there. got a hot dog and gatorade.. i wanted diet coke but they didnt have any!! Then, that night we went to the old theater downtown and saw Alice in Wonderland... AMAZING!
Tuesday: Had to get back to school... went to a piano lesson, and taught a couple of lessons.
Wednesday: well... nothing really happend on wednesday. It was pretty boring.. haha.
Haha, anyways keep emailing me i love hearing from ya
Sunday, May 30, 2010
busy busy busy.
Today is going to be TOO busy. music practice from 3 to 5, then i gotta get on out of there to meet people for dinner and then after that we are going to go see a baseball game. (I dont even know which two teams are playing.) Anyways, by tonight im gonna be SUPER tired. I'll be really ready for the day off tomorrow. Its gonna be super hot so going to the pool will be nice.
Alrighty,well i cant remember the team colors so i gotta go find out and then see if i even own anything in that color. haha wish me luck!
Alrighty,well i cant remember the team colors so i gotta go find out and then see if i even own anything in that color. haha wish me luck!
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Went to Kings Dominion today! I rode the Intimidator, which has a 305 foot drop! I blacked out!! it was so weird... i dont know if it was cause i was going so fast and holding my breath or what, but i blacked out! I ended up riding it again though. after ward we went to 7-11 and i got 2 slurpees. haha can you say brain freeze?
Memorial weekend is gonna be a chill one for my family. The pool opens so im prob gonna go there. I miss the beach! it was so fun!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tomorrow we go home... today it was really sunny so we went to a little island and it was SO fun! Pizza for dinner (yes!) and then a movie. Keep emailing me and sending me pics so i can post them!!!!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Quiet day... its raining outside and the waves are crashing REALLY big so we are just chillin inside and watchin a movie :) I got a henna tatoo yesterday and its so cute! I also got a cute black sun dress... we went out to eat last night so i wore it to the restaurant haha. alrighty well keep sending me emails!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Hey yall. Yesterday we f me... hahadidnt get in the water.... it was REALLY rough. we tried to lay out and tan, but we ended up running for our lives from the water which was coming up and covering the beach. haha, it was exciting though. The weather took a turn today.. its pretty cloudy and sprinkling a little so we will prob do some shopping :) i already bought this really cool beachy bracelet and its super cute! Well, keep emailing me and sending me pics!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
ready for the car ride...
Alright yall, my friends are gonna be here any minute to pick me up and take me to the beach! I'm so excited! Pray for safe travels.. cause the car ride is gonna be longggggg. haha alright keep sending in your jokes, poll ideas, and pics and I'll post em!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
yay! I finally have a ring! Ok, i know that sounded really weird... but its true. All of my friends have these really cute rings that they wear.. and i realllly wanted one, so my friends mama got me one! yay! haha. I love it.. it has my birthstone on it.. i think its my birthstone lol. Well, i got the days of going to the beach mixed up! I thought i was leaving on saturday.. but it turns out Im going on Friday! That feels like 5 minutes away... im so not prepared. Better get started ;)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Miley Cyrus - Can't Be Tamed
Alrighty, have yall seen this new music video of Miley's, "Can't Be Tamed" Im not really sure what to think of it. I love the song... but the music video still confuses me haha. Well, check it out and Tell me what you think!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Could the weekend seem any longer away

Just finished teaching (i feel like i start all my blogs out with that lol.) But it went good. Next week I'm taking off of teaching cause im going to the beach!!!! I get to go with a friend, so that will be funnn:) this week is going to feel like the longest week ever!!! Its kinda gloomy outside today.. so no jumpin on the trampoline. I mean we prob still could, but it would be a messy job haha. Alrighty.. keep emailing me!
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Wow, so i went to that concert the other night.... he was AMAZINGGG! His name is Travis Cottrell... i had never heard of him before the other night.. i got to take a pic with him too! haha.. i dont have it with me though.. so I'll post it when i get it. Anyways, we was a great performer.. and musician. :)
I'm getting SUPER excited because im going to the beach with my friend in just ONE WEEK!!! I'm so not ready though.. I hope the water is warm lol. Well, keep emailing me!!! love hearing from yall!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Thursdays are usually boring....
just finished some teaching.. my mouth is soooo dry! There is this concert thingy tonight that I'm going to... i don't even know the name of the guy that's performing!!! I should really look into that.. lol. Going to Kings Dominion tomorrow. i love that place! hopefully it wont be too hot.. i hate it when its hot. Oh man, last night on American Idol! I was stressing the whole time! I was so scared that Lee was going to get voted off! I think Casey should have gone though... Mike is way better. I so thought that Lee and Crystal's duet on Tuesday was AMAZING!!!! if i had a phone... it would so be my ring tone lol. Only two weeks till they say who wins!! i can't wait.
Keep emailing me and send me your pics, Ask Allies, Jokes and Poll ideas and I'll post em!
Keep emailing me and send me your pics, Ask Allies, Jokes and Poll ideas and I'll post em!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I went to Forever 21 for the first time today... i have to say, that store is crazzzzzyyyy! I went shopping for a swimsuit.. and usually they put all of the swimsuits in the same section. But there they were spread all over the store! Like, the bottoms would be at one end of the store, and the tops would be on the other! I dunno, but it was too stressful for me. I did get a cute top that has mickey mouse on it though :) In the end i got a swimsuit at Target.. which is super cute :)
So, we officially have a trampoline now. we set it up last night! After we bounced on it for a little while, we sat around the bond fire and had smores! haha, it was fun. I think i had one smore too many though lol. Keep emailing me and send me your pics, jokes, poll ideas, and ask allies!
Monday, May 10, 2010

Ok, so you know those animal bracelet things? well i got one in the shape of a music note from my student today!!! It totally made my day :) Just finished up teaching... its all good haha.
So, my sister is mega excited because my mom said we could get a trampoline lol. Thats been the main talk this whole day. I have to say, im excited. I want a zip line.. but you know. thats just me.
Keep sending me your pics and I'll post them! I love hearing from ya!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
These are the good days :)

mmm nothing like (almost) summer. Went to a picnic/lunch thingy yesterday.. fun fun :) the weather was PERFECTTT! i thought it was going to be all hot and humid but it was soo nice with a light breeze... which is good for my hair lol. Oh HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!! haha, we came home to a little homecooked lunch made by my mom.. it was a little confusing considering we are the ones supposed to be pampering her. but you know... the food was still good :) alright well keep emailing me i love hearing from ya!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Good start to a great weekend.
Hey hey! Went to kings dominion today, haha yes there is nothing like getting to go there while everybody else is in school lol. We went real early, so we were able to walk onto every ride... no lines whatsoever! One ride we rode 4 times because nobody else was there! We didnt even have to get out of our seats! Although once we got home i did have to hit the books :/ but now i've got a whole weekend to look forward to!!! yess. oh man. sunday is mothers day.... hmm maybe a homemade card will do the trick ;) haha i might have to get a little more creative than that. SUPER tired now.... wanna take a nap. It's so nice outside though.. prob should spend sometime out there. Ok, well keep emailing me and sending me your pics so i can post them! I love hearing from ya!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Chill day...

Send me your pics and I'll post em!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Nothing like parents.
Got a hair cut.... it feels so much lighter! I have really thick hair, and the lady layered it so it feels like 10 pounds lighter. chill day so far. My mom hung the sheets from my bros bed on the back porch to dry, and it looks super weird cause they are barney sheets lol. Oh man, moms are great huh?? haha. life is good :) My dad does funny things too. He likes to dance, and one time i was riding with him in the car and an upbeat song came on and he was like "Bounce with me!" and i was like "No way! thats weird!" Well, anyways i wouldnt "bounce" with him to the song, so he stopped the car and wouldnt move until i would bounce! EMBARASSING!!! haha.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
May 4th....

Chill day today. Had a piano lesson, and that went well :) Tonights American Idol! Does anybody know the theme? I'm hopin Lee does good. he's my fav :) Although i do really like Crystal.
Drove around the neighborhood! I didnt do a very good job of pulling over though, unless you call practically parking in our neighbors yard pulling over. haha, i still need practice :)
Keep emailing me and sending in your pics and I'll post em!
Monday, May 3, 2010
mmm good day.

Got my first pay checks today!!!!!!!! Im sooooo escited! haha. teaching went good today. my mouth is dry from talking so much though lol. more teaching on thursday yay! next goal: get my liscense. A few years away, but still something to look forward to :) I got so scared today while practicing driving because our neighbor pulled out of her drivway, and i havent practiced driving with other moving cars on the road! haha, i didnt hit anything though, few.
Send me pics of you and your friends or pets and I'll post em!
p.s. This is Darci's dog Ben! ADORABLE!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Driving world, here i come :)

Got behind the wheel today!!!!!!!! Omigosh, it was so scary! i just drove up our street though. It was so funny cause my sister was in the back of the car and she kept saying "IM GONNA DIE!!!!" haha.
School day tomorrow :/ blaaa summer seems so far away. It def feels like summer though. So hot today!!! And humid, which means BIG hair.
Keep sending me emails of pics you want me to post!
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Went to Kings Dominion today!!!! I cant wait for the water park to open cause it was HOT! It's supposed to get up to 93 degrees today! wow.... got home and went out side and tanned... didnt have any sunscreen though so now my face is RED! haha my bad. Its been a good Saturday... im officially wiped out haha.
Send me emails of what you want to see on my blog! send me your pics and I'll post em!
Friday, April 30, 2010
A good weekend to come :)

Went to the gym today... the only thing i dont like about going is that the tv's are always on boring channels.. i mean i know kids dont normaly go, but come on... news on every station??? Even adults prob get bored of that. haha, the things i would change if i owned a gym. That could be a scary thought for some people, haha.
Sleepover with a friend tonighttttt :) Those are always fun.
Send me pics you want me to post! Tell me what you want to seem on my blog!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
My lil bro is watching Monsters Inc. right now. I have to say, one of the best animated movies of all time :)
Alrighty.. remember how I told yall i would post your pics? Well here you go this is Mara being goofy with her friend :) i cannot tell you how many pics i have like this lol. Send me your pics and i will post them asap!
Ok, for those of yall that watch American Idol. The compatition is getting tight! I have my money on Crystal. She's AMAZINGGG! I wasnt crazy about Shakira and Rascal Flatts singing together though... it seemed... akward. I dunno, thats just me. I think they are both great performers, but NOT together. haha alrighty, signing out.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Days to come...

I've decided spring is my fav time of the month. I know, i complained about all the bad allergies i had.. but its def the prettiest month and has the best weather. i LOVE thunder storms.. but when they are in the summer its all humid and hot out... and i have curly hair so that means MAJOR frizz. Im def excited about the food thats gonna be in season coming up soon!!! corn on the cob! Watermelon! oh mannnn... my mouth is watering. haha, listen to me. All im talking about is food. that says A LOT.
I come from southern California, and the weather is pretty chill here... then i moved to the east coast where it gets snow, and 98 degree summers.. and mosquitoes and all that!!! Now, i've been living here for almost 7 years.. so you think i'd be used to it by now. I'm not. Every year im still like "is this record heat???" haha.... i still love it here though :)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Ahhh this is the life

Hey! ok, so my brother is little, and he still has accidents.. well hejust hado ne in his pants, and i had to deal with it. NOT one of my fav things. now i know you prob dont wanna hear that.. but this thing is supposed to be about my life.. well... heres my life. :P
ps thank yall so much for all of your emails! keep em coming!
Monday, April 26, 2010

Went on a walk with my sista yesterday...weird things happen when we go on walks..we bring our cameras..haha this is what we came out with :) Oh man it was humid when we went walking!!!i though my hair was going to explode! lol
Just finished some teaching about 20 min ago... i need to run to the music store soon.
Also, if yall have any funny pics of you and your friends, email them to me and i'll post them! I really want yall to be apart of this!
Sunday, April 25, 2010

It's a gloomy day outside... or as we say in my family "gitchy goomy." dont ask. i didnt come up with it. So, i was checkin my email here, and i got like a billion emails! ok not that many, but still. Anyways i just wanted to tell yall to keep emailing me! i luv hearin from ya! Also, if you send me some of yalls funny pics, i will def post them. Also, send me ideas of what you would like to see on my blog! Anything at all! I still what this to be about you guys! Yall are awesome, thanks so much!
p.s. here's me and my lil bro :)
Saturday, April 24, 2010
More expression please!
I finally figured out how to add a new background to my blog! you don't even know what trouble i have been through to do it.... but knowing me, i'll prob change it tomorrow.
Normal day today. Even though its saturday, i haven't done much. We all woke up late, and sat around and ate pancakes for breakfast... and played a board game (i know.. old fashioned) but hey, theres nothing like good old family time :)
Alright.. i dont know how im going to load this, but here is a video from this past summer of me playing the piano. now, i was learning this big spanish piece.. and my mom told me to play with more expression. so i thought, "ok, i'll give you more expression." Long story short, my sister grabbed my camera, and this is what we came out with :)
Normal day today. Even though its saturday, i haven't done much. We all woke up late, and sat around and ate pancakes for breakfast... and played a board game (i know.. old fashioned) but hey, theres nothing like good old family time :)
Alright.. i dont know how im going to load this, but here is a video from this past summer of me playing the piano. now, i was learning this big spanish piece.. and my mom told me to play with more expression. so i thought, "ok, i'll give you more expression." Long story short, my sister grabbed my camera, and this is what we came out with :)
Friday, April 23, 2010
for your information...

Ohhh, i did get a call from two people saying they want me to teach their kids piano. that was pretty cool!! (its my first job, and this means money will be coming in, so im pretty excited :) This means another trip to the music store.. but i dont mind. i luv it there :) ok, im signing off. email me!
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Here i am, writing to you while i eat my spaghetti lunch. Did you know that the average person eats pasta 2330 times in a year? Thats alot... yeah i looked that up on google :) sorry i didnt post yesterday or the day before! i was gone, and i totally spaced. :/ but here i am... like i said eating lunch..and i have no idea what im going to write next. well, i have some pics on my computer from about a month ago, when my friend was showing me how to balance an egg. this is even harder than it sounds. i didn't succeed. i gave up pretty fast though, lol. she was able to do it in a heart beat, i have NO idea how. here's some pics of me trying to balance the egg... as you can see it didnt go over very well.
peace~ Taylor
Monday, April 19, 2010
Just finished teaching some piano.... i love my students :) not much has happend since i last wrote... just school work!!! only 46 more days of school till summer break! The days couldnt go by any slower. I'm really excited about going to the beach next month! i love the beach.. especially boogie boarding Im not very good... but wiping out is pretty fun lol. Its so fun because when i go with my cousins, theyget all fancy with their sand castles!! My uncle mark is a pro at making them lol. ok.. signing off. email me!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Things you dont expect in life...

Oh man the funniest thing happend today! I was in church and i was sitting with my lil bro. At first he was looking at some books, but then he got bored so i gave him this rubber band that i had. Next thing i new, he had shot it across the room in the middle of service!!!! hahaha, it was so funny :)
I wanted to let yall know, that i have gotten a lot of emails about if there was still going to be an Ask Allie section, and i wanted to letyou know that you can sendin your questions andallie will give youher advice! also, please send in your jokesbecause i will post them! And anything else you would like to see on my blog, let me know and i will try to get on it right away! thanks so much!
p.s. here is a pic of my little brother in a fire truck that came by our church today! haha :)
Saturday, April 17, 2010
A really good weekend :)
Ok, so there is this really cool, old theater that we have downtown. Last night I went and saw Avatar there! it was sooooooooo good! It wasnt what i expected though.
Today my dad, sister and i went to the roller coaster park..... MEGA FUN! haha we rode almost every ride twice. I def cant wait to go this summer because the water park will be open! haha ok im signing off.... email me!
Today my dad, sister and i went to the roller coaster park..... MEGA FUN! haha we rode almost every ride twice. I def cant wait to go this summer because the water park will be open! haha ok im signing off.... email me!
Friday, April 16, 2010
no voice....

well, last night i walked into my room to find my brother had thrown one of my shirts onto my light causing it to begin to burn.. causing smoke to fill up in my room to where you couldn't see the other side of it. as the shirt was getting ready to go up in flames i was screaming at the top of my lungs calling for help. now you have to remember that im already sick, with practically no voice cause my throat is all scratchy. so here i am, with practically no voice, screaming as loud as i can, and im breathing in smoke at the same time. not the best thing... :/ ughh i was exhausted after that. we were able to get everything under control, but that is def something i DON'T want to relive. we have already had one house fire and we did NOT need another..... :/
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Pictures pictures pictures....
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
too early, and really hungry
6:45... woke up, couldnt believe it was so early.. and rolled back over in bed. 7:00... realized there was no way i was falling back asleep, so decided it was best to get my rump outta bed and get going with my day. 9:30ish.. practiced piano, did school work, had a sneeze attack, and ate lunch. after all of that, i did more school work.. more piano, and here i am now. blogging. WHAT AN EXCITING DAY!!! haha.. not really. just a normal one.
I'm actually pretty hungry right now.. even though its no where near dinner and lunch is long gone. Carbs are def my weakness. one of my favorite things to eat are these potatoes that my mom makes called "Those potatoes"... they are so good!!! they are tater-tots in sour cream and i think some cheesy stuff.. but its so good! we don't get it that often though. i really need to learn how to make them. maybe i can post the recipe... you gotta try em. they are the best things in the world!!!
I'm actually pretty hungry right now.. even though its no where near dinner and lunch is long gone. Carbs are def my weakness. one of my favorite things to eat are these potatoes that my mom makes called "Those potatoes"... they are so good!!! they are tater-tots in sour cream and i think some cheesy stuff.. but its so good! we don't get it that often though. i really need to learn how to make them. maybe i can post the recipe... you gotta try em. they are the best things in the world!!!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Corn bread and cats...
Corn bread. I could really go for some corn bread right now. I cant remember the last time i had it.. nor what it tastes like. it just sounds really REALLY good right now! food in general sounds good. I really should learn how to cook.. i mean i can cook a few things.. but just a few. Although right now what i really need is some chicken noodle soup. (for my sore throat) ugh.. allergies.
So i was feeding my cats this morning.. we have four. FOUR! that's a lot.. especially when they are all hungry and meowing at the top of their lungs. We have Bill, the oldest of the cats. I know, bill is a weird name for a cat.. but i didn't pick it... i was only 2 when we got him. Next is pepper, our long black haired cat. she is the sassiest of the group.. and moms fav. after that is Sophie. Sophie is a gray tailless cat. yeah. Tailless. its weird.. but she's a good cat, my fav :) and last but not least is Lilly. Lilly has like a thousand names. we call her lilly, Skidget, and little kitty. ok so its not a thousand.. but its still a lot. haha well now that i've dished about my freaky cat family, i'm gonna let yall get on with your lives. =]
So i was feeding my cats this morning.. we have four. FOUR! that's a lot.. especially when they are all hungry and meowing at the top of their lungs. We have Bill, the oldest of the cats. I know, bill is a weird name for a cat.. but i didn't pick it... i was only 2 when we got him. Next is pepper, our long black haired cat. she is the sassiest of the group.. and moms fav. after that is Sophie. Sophie is a gray tailless cat. yeah. Tailless. its weird.. but she's a good cat, my fav :) and last but not least is Lilly. Lilly has like a thousand names. we call her lilly, Skidget, and little kitty. ok so its not a thousand.. but its still a lot. haha well now that i've dished about my freaky cat family, i'm gonna let yall get on with your lives. =]
Monday, April 12, 2010

Ugh.. spring has hit.. the pollen has hit... and now i have a scratchy throat. My sister came down with something about 4 days ago.. and now i think i might have it. Def not one of my favorite things in life.. but even a good life has its bumps in the road. yeah. i just hit a bump.
Went the the music store today.. i teach piano, so i had to pick up some music for my students. I'm telling you i could spend all day there. I play the piano but I'm really anxious to learn the drums, as well as the guitar. my parents say i should do guitar first.. and they are probably right.. but i wanna do the drums really REALLY badly. We'll see.. i don't even know what kind of guitar to get.. ugh. this means research. wish me luck =]
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Springgg :)
ahhh yet another quiet day. The allergy season has hit us so my whole family has been sneezing our eyes out cause of the pollen lol :) school tomorrow.. which means spring break is practically over :'( time to hit the books. But i'm MEGA excited because i get to go to the beach with my BFF this summer!!! can't wait! Send me emails!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
To the movies! :P
I saw The Last Song yesterday! It was soooo good. I love the song "When I look at you".. its so pretty! Well, spring break is almost over :( back to school on Monday. bla. Haha oh well. Send me emails and tell me if there is anything you would like to see on my blog!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Well, they saved big Mike last night! he did have the lowest score.. but they used the save! now TWO people are going home next week! Crazy. Quiet day today. A good day to just chill and relax... but spring break is almost over :'( I'm so ready for Summer vacation!
Send me Emails!
Send me Emails!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Mini golf, American Idol, and bagpipes :P
Well, to day i went mini golfing. I've only been one time before and let me tell you.. i was not good! lol. I lost the game... i def need more practice :p. It was sooooooo hot today! The high is 97 degrees.... bla. i will be spending the rest of the day inside since the pool isn't open. :) Its been a good Spring break though. Did you see American Idol?? Crystal Bowersox was amazing!!! As well as Lee Dewyze. The bagpipes were awesome! lol. I have no idea who is going home though.. cause i thought they all did pretty good. This day is going to be super long since i cant wait to see the show tonight! David Archuleta is performing! supppppperrr excited :)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Help Claire Help Kids
Hey! Ok, so there is this awesome little girl named Claire that has started something called "Help Claire Help Kids." Claire has being trying to help kids in hospitals feel comfortable and more at home by having dvds, crafts, board games, books ect. There are plenty of ways that you can help donate.. just go to and there will be more information there! This is a really cool thing.. so i hope you get involved in it! Thanx!
p.s. A shout out to Libbie who told me all about this!!!
p.s. A shout out to Libbie who told me all about this!!!
Too much candy...
Right now I feel like I visited Willy Wonkas Chocolate Factory.. two words. Easter candy. Not only did I get some from my family.. but some friends of mine and gave me some too! I ate like half the basket last night. :/ Dont get me wrong... it was great then! but now.... haha. I deserve it. All that is left is some cotton candy and a few boxes of nerds. :) live and learn.
Taylor my sis, me and my lil bro with our candy
p.s. I want togive a shout out to Darci and Denae! Thank yall so much for emailing me! It was great to hear from you!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Well.... spring break has officially started!! my family isnt going anywhere so I'll probably just have a few sleepovers. Have any of yall been watching American Idol? I don't know about you.. but Alex Lambert was my absolute fav.... then he got voted off :'( this year hasn't been my fav year. oh well. BEAUTIFUL weather out today! (got a tan :) loving spring! anyways.. signing out for now. Email me!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
The art of nail doing...
Warm weather today... i love it. Got my toes done!! mmm... like a sea foam green with a pink sparkly flower. I've always wondered how in the world the make those flowers look so good. note to self: bring a video camera next time so i can tape them making the flower :)
peace ~
peace ~
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Hey everybody! well.. here it is. my blog! im soo excited to start this.. feel free to email me and ask me any questions and i will email back as soon as i can :) also.. if you have any poll ideas or and funny words for the day, or maybe something you would like to see on my blog please let me know! enjoy!
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