well, last night i walked into my room to find my brother had thrown one of my shirts onto my light causing it to begin to burn.. causing smoke to fill up in my room to where you couldn't see the other side of it. as the shirt was getting ready to go up in flames i was screaming at the top of my lungs calling for help. now you have to remember that im already sick, with practically no voice cause my throat is all scratchy. so here i am, with practically no voice, screaming as loud as i can, and im breathing in smoke at the same time. not the best thing... :/ ughh i was exhausted after that. we were able to get everything under control, but that is def something i DON'T want to relive. we have already had one house fire and we did NOT need another..... :/
Wowzers the only time there was almost a fire in our house was when my grandma forgot she was boiling water and then finally realized that she was when there was tons of smoke in out kitchen! I would have been mad about my shirt haha. Well at least everything ended out okay and hope you feel better if your still sick! =]