Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Too much candy...

Right now I feel like I visited Willy Wonkas Chocolate Factory.. two words. Easter candy. Not only did I get some from my family.. but some friends of mine and gave me some too! I ate like half the basket last night. :/ Dont get me wrong... it was great then! but now.... haha. I deserve it. All that is left is some cotton candy and a few boxes of nerds. :) Well...you live and learn.
Taylor my sis, me and my lil bro with our candy
p.s. I want togive a shout out to Darci and Denae! Thank yall so much for emailing me! It was great to hear from you!


  1. i know i ate almost all my candy and my mom was finally like no more candy your eyes are bugginmg out of your head

  2. i ate so much candy that finnaly my mom was like no more candy your eyes are bugging out of your head

  3. I Got Lots Of Candy But Sadly Like After A Week My Parents Threw It All Away!!! =[ We Had A Lot Though Because Of The Two Kids We Are Fostering (Jonathon(4) and His Brother Josiah(2)) Plus My Sister And I!!! We Ate Some Of It And A Lot Of It But My Parents Threw It All Away Before We Could Eat It All!!! =[ Ohh Well Life Goes On!!!
